Tuesday, 17 April 2018


Variety the buzzword

April 17, 2018

VARIETY is the buzzword at Sunway Putra Hotel’s Ramadan buffet where over 100 dishes will line the tables. These range from local and Asian offerings to western selections. The buffet, with 5 menus on rotation basis, is from 19 May to 4 June, 2018. 
Tray of salted fish and salted egg
Ulam-ulam corner with sambal variety
Naturally, the focus is on Malay lauk pauk, from appetisers to main dishes and dessert. We start with a scrumptious Kerabu Ikan Pedas and Rojak Buah before picking from various raw ulam and 5 types of salted fish to go with Sambal Belacan, Budu,  Kicap Chilli-Bawang, Cincaluk and Mango Chutney.
Whole roasted lamb is carved and then sauteed with vegetables
Sushi Tower and Chinese dim sum with chilli dip
Lined along the perimeter of the Coffee House are offerings such as a Japanese Sushi Tower, Oriental Barbecued Whole Lamb, Chinese dumplings and action stations as well as trays of hot dishes from the Malay, Chinese and Indian kitchens.
Laksa Utara is a favourite
Fish is grilled a la minute
Ricky's Salmon Fish Head Curry goes well with Nasi Hujan Panqas
Shawarma, Laksa Utara and Grilled Seafood are popular while I like Ricky’s fish head curry, a signature item at Coffee House. But instead of the usual red snapper fish head, the Ramadan dish is made with salmon fish head which is pre-cut into smaller chunks for easy eating. Pick your favourite fish head portion and favourite vegetables and the chef will reheat these in the curry gravy. Best with roti canai, nasi hujan panas or plain white rice.
Mutton Masala
Deepfried squid with salted egg
Okra with mustard seed, onion and chilli
Pomfret masak lemak with bunga kantan
Udang Kalio with belimbing buluh
Not to be missed from the Malay kitchen are Ayam Goreng Berempah, Udang Kalio with Belimbing Buluh and the delicious Pomfret Masak Lemak. Then go for Steamed Fish with Teochew sauce and Mutton Masala.
Two types of kuih talam
There is a huge variety of kuih-muih and western pastries but none catches your fancy, end the meal with a hot coffee/tea or something cold such as cendol or ice kacang.  

Coffee House

(no pork served)
Level 9, Sunway Putra Hotel
100 Jalan Putra, Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-4040 9888
Website: www.sunwayhotels.com

From 6pm. 19 May to 4 June

RM128 nett. Children 6-12 & Senior Citizens: 50% discount. Children under 6: No charge

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